2.30 Ascot - September was HUGELY impressive on debut.
September 5pts 5/4
I also took 20/1 for 1kg next year.
3.05 Ascot -Elbtreth 14/1 1pt e/w
3.40 Ascot -Across the Stars 16/1 1pt ew
4.20 Ascot - Tin Man 6/1 1pt ew, Long on Value 20/1 1pt ew
5.00 Ascot -Sqauts, Amaour, Eastern Impact, Danzeon, Racous all on short list. Bloody draw, don;t know where to go :(
Racous 11/1, Amazour 16/1, Squats, 22/1, spread across track, 1pt ew
5.35 Ascot - Qewy 9/2 1ptew
September 5pts 5/4
I also took 20/1 for 1kg next year.
3.05 Ascot -Elbtreth 14/1 1pt e/w
3.40 Ascot -Across the Stars 16/1 1pt ew
4.20 Ascot - Tin Man 6/1 1pt ew, Long on Value 20/1 1pt ew
5.00 Ascot -Sqauts, Amaour, Eastern Impact, Danzeon, Racous all on short list. Bloody draw, don;t know where to go :(
Racous 11/1, Amazour 16/1, Squats, 22/1, spread across track, 1pt ew
5.35 Ascot - Qewy 9/2 1ptew