Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Bets 28.07.2021 - GG Day 2

 1.50 Goodwood - Siskany was impressive of soft ground and unlucky enough in the King George which is surely the best form here?

Siskany 9/2ew

2.25 - Wow. Where to turn. 

Isabllea GIles 14s CD. Ground okay. Rohaan form good. what has happened to Cox horses this season? big worry? Won the prestie by 7 lneghts. las race poor but was poor at ascot before as well.

Isabella Giles 9/1 ew. Was 14/1 last night when was writign notes up

3.35 - Snow Lantern 5/1ew

4.45 - Chamade was the biggest free money bet 20/1 I remember in years last year. Nothing like that this year on show. IF Timeless Soul stays, I think wins.

Timeless Soul 4/1

5.20 - Horrendous. Can't find a decent plot up. If Dutch Decoy goes on ground is well handicapped and ZFeng always goes well here, mark dropping and Crowly booked

Dutch Decoy 14/1ew

Zuie Feng 22/1ew 

Will sort the 2.25 race tomorrow morning

1 comment:

  1. Added Snow Lantern 3.35 Thought about Lopez but think ground not great?. Went with Isabella Giles in the 2.25. Was 14s last night but only got 9s this morning
