1.50 Goodwood - Siskany was impressive of soft ground and unlucky enough in the King George which is surely the best form here?
Siskany 9/2ew
2.25 - Wow. Where to turn.
Isabllea GIles 14s CD. Ground okay. Rohaan form good. what has happened to Cox horses this season? big worry? Won the prestie by 7 lneghts. las race poor but was poor at ascot before as well.
Isabella Giles 9/1 ew. Was 14/1 last night when was writign notes up
3.35 - Snow Lantern 5/1ew
4.45 - Chamade was the biggest free money bet 20/1 I remember in years last year. Nothing like that this year on show. IF Timeless Soul stays, I think wins.
Timeless Soul 4/1
5.20 - Horrendous. Can't find a decent plot up. If Dutch Decoy goes on ground is well handicapped and ZFeng always goes well here, mark dropping and Crowly booked
Dutch Decoy 14/1ew
Zuie Feng 22/1ew
Will sort the 2.25 race tomorrow morning
Added Snow Lantern 3.35 Thought about Lopez but think ground not great?. Went with Isabella Giles in the 2.25. Was 14s last night but only got 9s this morning