Friday, 23 February 2024

Bets 23/02/2024

 Twice bad weeks in a row at Meydan. Ahhh

1330 - Topper Bill 8/1 ew. Backed lto. Good draw and could turn tables with Vespasian

1515 - Killer Contact 5/2 top on ratings. Tapit'staleofverve at 20s is very interesting...

1550 - Ottoman Fleet 15/8 top on ratings

1625 - Desert Peace 20/1ew looked like returned to good form lto. Step back to 1m will help

1735 - Nomasse 14/1ew Tenative. Really needs to up game but best on ratings over C&D at peak

1810 - Kaheall 10/1ew - Line through last race. Decent form over 1m on turf

There are a lot of shorties who should win, but can't be arsed at the prices


  1. Much more like it , v. close to a big pay out.. 👍

    1. Yes! Best result since worldcup night last year :)
