Friday, 1 November 2024

Breeders Cup - Fri and Sat

9.45 - This Japanese horse looks rapid. Ecoro Sieg 4/1. It's times are unbelievable after only 2 races. Smashed the track record lto and even though that was over 6f, it's first 3f were fire. I take Shareholder 12s and Arizona Blaze 20s, for the tricast.

10.25 - Another Japanese pick for me. American Bikini 4/1. If stays win. Monster ped and most winners of this race are stepping up in trip. Scottish Lassie 3s for the forecast.

11.05 - Lake Victoria Evs. G1 horse. A stone ahead of anything else any horse has produced so far. Must not get trapped from Draw 1. Trust Ryan to sort that out given so much better than the rest. Thought Process and Scythian for the tricast. Totally Justified 66/1ew small 

11.45 - I do like the look of East Avenue but I'm assuming will be bunch of horse fighting the lead and Chancer McPatrick 4/1 will pick up the mess. Gaming and East Avenue to pick up the tricast

12.25 - Henri Mat is the best horse in the race and Ryan has won this race from 14 before. I just can't play this risk. Mentee and Satono Carnaval are the most impressive over 6f and if stay can beat most of these. I'm on the Jap theme tonight so pluck Satono Carnaval 12/1ew. 3 horses have won from stall 1 in the last 7 years. I'm worried about Rachel King's experience but still going in. Mentee, Henri Mat for the tri


7.00 - Vavha 6/1ew beat Society before but in the last race looked trapped the whole way. Ways and Means still needs to improve to beat Vavha on best form. 

7.41 - Cogburn 13/8 is ridiculous. Surely one of the best 5f US horses of recent times. 

9.01 - Taking on the Euro's with Far Bridge 11/1ew. Don't think is that far off Lux and Emily. Would have played Jayrabe but distance not tried before which a big neg in this race.

9.41 - Fierceness 4/1. Forever Young next. Taking on COT. AoB 0-14 in this race. Is CoT running for Stallion status?!

10.25 - Full Count Felicia 10/1ew to make all and stay out of trouble. Cinderella for the forecast

11.45 - Notable Speech 3/1 if puts best foot forward, just wins. Carl Sparkler is interesting.

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