Nicely done yesterday. £10 free bet slapped on Sea Saffron @
7/1. SP was 3/1 which is always an added bonus. Shame I dropped my stakes to
£10. Clearly breaking my own Golden Rules to my own detriment; £140
detriment that is. I’m sticking with £20 a pop for a couple of weeks until the flat
season has fully kicked off and form lines begin to emerge.
Newmarket 1.50 – If either Qannaas or Periphery are heavily
backed may be worth latching on else so many unknowns in this race.
Newmarket 3.00 - Seems to be early money for Valbchek. May well be justified, but he has beaten jack all so have no idea what is is like hard ridden. If this was over 8f Samitar would take this, but it's over 6f so Balty Boys has to be my bet here. Hills always do well early on in the season and in his last race he finished behind Crusade and Reply and beat Casper Netscher. He ran down one side on his own, and I'll back on it being disadvantageous and for him to come out on top today with that form line.
Newmarket 3.35 - Bannock looks a ridiculous price at 16/1, but is top weight. He has had no races to suit and I think this might suit him. Zumbi may well be the one to beat, but my bet in this will be Redact. I'm banking on Casper Netscher being a solid yardstick as in the previous race. If I could spend all day looking I would bet race by race...
Newmarket 4.10 - Tom Segal Pricewise has tipped up Lily's Angel. Can't say I'm convinced. If you look purely at form Regal Realm's beating of Gamilati when fresh is a winner.
Newmarket 4.45 - I backed Perennial at 9/4 last night. Jungle Beat has not beat anything yet. Perennial's form ahead of Encke and step up in trip is a winner for me.
Newmarket 5.55 - Gatepost is top of the weights justifiably, but may well prove a class above and am hoping will go well fresh. Top Cop also looks interesting back down to 6f, but is next highest in the weights. I think that this might go wrong, may have picked the best horses in the race, but not necessarily best weighted. We'll soon find out.
Cheltenham 2.00 - Bold Chief is well handicapped here and as long he takes to Cheltenham, which is so often the end for many could take this quite easily.
Total Staked £160.00, Total Returned £80.00
£10.00 e/w Redact 7/1 - LOSE £0.00
£10.00 e/w Bannock 14/1 - PLACED £45.00
£10.00 e/w Gatepost 16/1 - LOSE £0.00
£10.00 e/w Top Cop 7/1 - LOSE £0.00
£20.00 Bold Chief 10/3 - LOSE £0.00
£20.00 Perennial 9/4 - LOSE £0.00
£10.00 e/w Lily's Angel 10/1 - PLACED £35.00
£10.00 e/w Balty Boys 5/1 - LOSE £0.00