Monday 5 August 2013

Bets 05/08/2013

Just got home, one cheeky bet for the sake of it

Windsor 7.00 - School Fees 10/3 e/w as not really looked at card. But this horse came from first to last and jolted at every undulation. Clearly not suited by track. Windor is flat so hopefully no problem today

Total Staked £80.00, Total Returned £0.00
£30.00 e/w School Fees 10/3 - LOSE £0.00
£10.00 e/w Misplaced Fortune 8/1 - LOSE £0.00


  1. party line 3.45 to get head in front, good chance today i think. any thoughts on that race?

    1. with a 15 second glance, yes, but I've not looked at formlines, videos, etc. I've got a busy week ahead so will have to sadly put punting aside until the madness is over! Good luck!
