Monday 29 October 2012

Bets 29/10/2012

OuCh. 5 bets and 5 losers yesterday. Not cool. Can't explain any of them. Few today:

Leicester 2.20 - Shamaal Nibras 5/2. Easily the best handicapped horse in the race. 3yr old dominate this race, so fingers crossed. Might be a double bet, but not sure if this is me chasing losses.

Leicester 3.50 - Hughes double on Model Pupil Evs. Was excited by this horse in Spring. Hopefully the break won't be a problem and class will shine through.

There are a number of horses that I want to back over jumps, but I should just hold out for a couple more weeks!

Total Staked £120.00, Total Returned £0.00

£60.00 Shamaal Nibras 5/2 - LOSE £0.00
£30.00 Model Pupil Evs - LOSE £0.00
£30.00 Shamaal Nibras, Model Pupil Double N/A - LOSE £0.00


  1. J when Richard Hughes comes out and rides 4 from six and you tip the 2 that loose that we're most fancied you know it's not the time to be backing. Form book out the window at this time of year!!!!!

  2. haha - I know. Mental. I going to pass for a couple weeks, minus the top races! Well, try anyway!
